Southern Coast of Victoria
A few of my images from our recent trip around the Southern Coast of Victoria. We bush walked through Wilson Promontory, spent New Years Eve in a lighthouse and "Crampervaned" down the Great Ocean Road.
I even managed to catch a few waves at Wye River and some Southern Ocean beauties at Port Fairy. The jetty break at Port Campbell was also looking pretty tasty. I was tempted to venture out alone till a local fisherman informed me about a 4.5 metre shark lurking around - not surprisingly my trusty kneeboard stayed dry on that particular day.
Very sad to see the bushfire destruction of what must have been some gorgeous holiday homes perched on the hills overlooking the ocean at Wye River. We arrived at Cumberland River campground on the same day that the road was opened up past Lorne. Amazingly the camp manager asked if we were planing on having a fire and would we like to buy some fire wood - are you kidding!!! - about 15 kms away over 100 homes were destroyed just a few short days ago. Apparently Cumberland River is one of the few campgrounds in Victoria that still allows open fires.
As usual I traveled with my little Fuji X100T and Canon Mkiii loaded with a 24mm TS-E II Tilt Shift lens. Bushwalking with that rig was a bit of a pain with regards to weight but well worth it once we stopped for a couple of days at the lighthouse. I might look at a pancake lens next time - even though I love the tilt shift lens its a heavy and bulky bit of gear taking up valuable space in my backpack.