New Overland Track Huts In Tasmania
It's not everyday while hiking in the wilderness that you come across some amazing architecture in the rugged landscape. Well now you can on the Overland Track in Tasmania. Created by Green Design from Hobart and built by AJR Construct the trio of new huts namely Waterfall Valley, Lake Windermere and Kia Ora are a delight to the weary, wet and cold hiker!!!
Recently completed each hut is quite unique and sympathetic to the surrounding landscape using natural timbers, lots of glass to take in the views and ample community spaces for cooking and drying gear. Local flora and fauna images, quotes and excerpts from hiking log books are etched onto the timber walls and give a sense of place and connection to the history of such a special location. Sleeping platforms are just that with bunk style wooden boards. Many hikers chose to sleep in tents so there was plenty of room inside to spread out in the bunk rooms.
Of course this hike is not all about the comforts of a freshly minted hut. We started in late November and in typical Tassie style found ourselves battling rain, hail and snow as we pushed against a howling wind to reach Marions Lookout. The weather gradually improved and a few days later we climbed Mt Ossa in perfect weather. This was my 2nd Overland adventure and I look forward to many more.
The Overland Track and others like it have a way of changing you and your perspective on life.
It has definitely changed me and my dreams for the future…