Polaroids on a Sunday

This seems to be getting into a bit of a habit of mine. Sunday afternoon strolls with my trusty polaroid camera and a couple of boxes of Fuji. As it turned out I only had one and a half boxes as my shoot pulled up short when the last box jammed - such are the frustrations of analogue polaroid photography. Shame because the light was just getting into the zone for the 3000 iso black and white film. No client, no deadline so no big deal. Kind of street photography but I prefer the term "Psychogeography" - sounds a lot more important and arty. Polaroid street photographyPolaroid street photographyPolaroid street photography

The Tip Shop

I'm not sure what it is about the local tip that fascinates me. Today it was the thought that one day I may just go "off grid" and there's enough stuff here to build a fine little shack in the woods. You could even furnish it quite nicely, rig up some fishing gear to catch dinner and decorate it with a couple of crossed wooden skis over the fireplace - you get the picture. I've been daydreaming about these sort of things a lot recently. I also entertained the thought today of heading off to China and documenting the amazing changes that are going on in that country - who knows what tomorrow will bring. There are changes afoot in my life thats for sure - watch this space is about the best I can offer for now. Meanwhile now that my recent "Townscapes" exhibition has been and gone its time to get back to my "Expired" project featuring the forgotten buildings that are scattered through our urban environment. A few of these images from the dump today will fit in quite nicely.